Sunday, February 15, 2015

I Miss Y'all

I really miss blogging!

I miss you guys.

I miss the support and I really need to get back to reading and commenting like I should!

I am sorry for the absence life has just been crazy!

I never thought there would be an adjustment period for staying at home. 

But there is!  A big one!

Life has just been crazy since November.

I had our anniversary in November, then tons of family staying in for Christmas and New Years. 

My brother came in and stayed with us most of his visit. 

And in between Christmas and New Years my aunt really took a turn for the worse. 

She was diagnosed with ovarian cancer 2 years ago this month and she passed away on New Years Eve.  It was a very sad start to the New Year. 

Our dog died last Sunday too. 

I am just feeling overwhelmed and sad right now.  We have business things going on, insurance taxes, is like I have a never ending cloud of gloom hanging over my head. I dread things until they are over then I dread something new.  Pretty sure you could call it anxiety! 

But its not all bad.  We had a wonderful Valentine's Day.  Hubby missed New Years with me because he was out of town working so I claimed Valentines and my birthday as PLEASE make sure you are off days! I will re cap that soon if I get back into blogging.  Plus sometimes I get to accompany him on little trips and that is super fun ;)

Anyways my weight has just been creeping up and I think Im less than 20 lbs away from my all time high weight.  How did this happen?  No idea.  Staying at home and being so close to town is a big factor I think.  I am so tempted to go get food when I am home alone too.  Because there is no point in fixing big healthy meals for one.  Have any of you ever faced this delimma? I am SO annoyed at myself.  I have a whole kitchen at my disposal now, not a little breakroom!!! I have tons of time to decide what I want and I keep reaching for the bad stuff!  I know what to do I just will not do it.

I feel lonely a lot too.  I have a lot of wonderful friends in my Book Club and Bible Study but I constantly feel alone. April is a RN now and she works ALL the time.  Jacob is gone a lot.  My parents are now 3 hrs away.  Grandma is at least 20 minutes away.  But I do have a great life and I don't mean to complain, I just feel like I am probably not in this boat alone, comment if you feel the same way!! Maybe you are surrounded by people and you still feel alone. 

I love you all and I hope you are well, please let me know what you have been up to and whats going on in your life.  Also if you blog let me know I would love to read yours!


  1. You need to text me more, Lauryn! I'd be more than happy to chat about pointless things when you are feeling lonely! :) Lol I am SO SORRY about your aunt and also your doggy. Wait, though. I thought you only had a cat now? Maybe you had two dogs?? Sorry that I'm confused. I'm glad you got to spend some time with your brother. I know that meant a lot. My parents are also 3 hours away, and it can be hard. You know I've missed you blogging. Pop in more often!

  2. So sorry about the tough time you are having- I certainly understand. I feel alone a lot too lately. Maybe it's the winter. Glad you are back.

  3. Hi honey! So glad to see you posted, but sorry to hear that you are having such a hard time. I have taken a lot of time off work and while I am in school I am still struggling to find a balance (and another job!). Things will look up. I know sometimes it hits all at once and it is overwhelming. Oh and I am also back at my heaviest so I feel your pain there too. I have got to make some serious decisions and changes.

  4. My weight has gotten out of hand too. I can't even remember the last full week I've hadof eating and counting calories. I know I need to do it. I know how to do it. I just can't see TO DO IT!!! I don't know what's wrong with me that I've been able to get motivated before but ever since before Christmas I've just been in a funk. I have been writing everything down today and I'm going to make a goal of tracking everything and not eating out. I know we will eat out sometimes, like when K doesn't get out of dance til 8:30 on Thursday night's...that's a hard night to cook. But other than situations like that, I really need to be cooking more. I hate seeing pics of depressing. Til today I was even avoiding weighing but I decided that not knowing was not helping me to get motivated and maybe I needed that kick in the butt to make me realize that I've GOT to do this. Anyway, you are not alone my friend. It helps me to know I'm not alone in my struggles. #thestruggleisreal


Thank YOU for reading! I love comments :)