Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Day 7: Victoria's Secret, New Products, Coffee Burns & Suprises

Ha, don't you love my creative title?

I tell you what the creative juices are just FLOWIN tonight folks.

Ok sooooo GUESS WHAT?

I have to tell yall...I just redeemed my VS reward card and it had 50 bucks on it! YES!

I have never gotten more than 10 bucks from this crap card!

PLUS they are doing free shipping and a free panty when you buy a sports bra. 

SO this girl ordered a sports bra (never had anything nicer than Old Navy-Im 27-Its time)

plus some undies, and the coolest Alabama yoga pants I've seen. Ever.

You know I will show you them when they come in! Insert: Roll Tide!


So today was day 7 of the freaking shred. UGH.  23 more days.

Not bad though.  I think I am actually starting to do everything a lot better than when I started out.  Most things seem easier and I think I am getting the form right as well.  I am getting a tad sick of hearing Jillian say crap over and over but whatever.

So anyways I wanted to share some new products I picked up at my favorite store, Aldis.

1. Special K Pastry Crisps: Brown Sugar & Cinnamon

I'm sure you can probably get these anywhere but this is the first time I have seen this particular flavor.  They had chocolate too but I figured I needed these since I stole bites of hubby's brown sugar and cinnamon 200 calories for one pop tart the other day. These are good.  They are 100 cals and they are light and crispy JUST LIKE a pop tart.  Your welcome.

2. Fit and Active Drink Enhancer

To be honest I went in looking for this.  It was like $2.69 which made me happy and it had the word watermelon on it which made me happier.  Its pretty good if you hate water but kind of reminds me of drinking straight up chemicals.  Not the best but then again I haven't tried the MIO so have nothing to compare it to. I just don't always have a water bottle, I like cups more (which I know you all notice COUGHSHEILACOUGH) muwhaha. And if I go shakin a cup, you all know I will end up needing a TIDE pen to go.
Which actually reminds me to mention how incredibly useful my car care kit has been lately.
#1.  Leather Wipes from Dollar Store: Very useful when wiping off self tanner lotion from your black leather seats that almost went days unnoticed.
#2. Microfiber cloth:  When you are trying awkwardly to get into your car carrying two tervis tumblers.  One slightly larger than the other filled with ice water, and the other filled with coffee.  You are paying more attention to the coffee and then the water spills all over your seats, gear shifter and cup holder.
#3. Microfiber cloth: Most useful when you are driving down the road, pleased with yourself for carrying a microfiber cloth, thinking how great it is to wipe up ice water.... and you take a big swig of hot coffee, promptly giving yourself a third degree burn and spilling it all over your shirt. 
Note to self:  Add a first aid kit with burn cream.
That's all folks...and I have a surprise coming soon!!!!!
No I'm not pregnant.
No it's not a giveaway.
Calm it down.


  1. LOL. Well, I guess the title says it all. :)

  2. So super jealous on the Rewards Card! Mine are never over $10 either :)

    1. thanks susan!! i know... i was freakin! haha

  3. Eeeeekkk I love the new design!!!! It looks so good. Don't you love it? Thanks for the shout out too...I hope you are enjoying your cup. I have heard about the VS reward cared once before but not sure how it works. How did you get it? I haven't bought that drink liquid from Aldi but I use the powder ones from them all the time to try and get my water in. I hate it! Happy Friday and I hope you have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you sheila!!!! I love it to girl its freakin awesome!!!!!! The VS reward you get only at certian times when you buy 10 worth from basically you spend 10 bucks and you get a reward card to use LATER but its going to be worth at LEAST 10 bucks. Mine was actually 50!! woo hoo! the aldis stuff you just squirt like one squirt in to water, its not that good though so i dont really recomend it haha ...happy friday!!!!

  4. What a Nice blog , and nice Design.



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