Monday, April 20, 2015

Weigh in, Recent Eats & Temptations

So just this past week I have been tempted with 2 dozen donuts, one Krispy Kreme and one Dunkin Donuts, Cake, Cupcakes, Brownie Bites and tonight a huge sheet cake.  I have to say tonight I was not even tempted though!  Thank the Lord!! I made a delicious Orange Fluff to take to Book Club and I had that and some Smart Popcorn. 

Anyways, I just had to share that.  By the way, I only had one mini brownie bite on sunday and a small bite of hubby's donut on saturday.  :)

OK, so on to the weigh in, I was down 4.6 lbs!  SO happy!  It was more yesterday but I will take it because today has been a legit week.  God has really been helping me y'all.  Sometimes it is so hard but I have really tried to stay within my boundaries. 

Today I had peanut butter toast, a banana and a cheese stick for breakfast.

I cleaned all day long except for when I went to the store.  I also went to Dance Cardio later this afternoon.  For lunch I had an egg salad sandwich with soup.

I am sorry there is no pic of dinner. I had to scarf down a ranch chicken taco and some rice and a dallop of fat free refried beans in order to make it to Book Club on time in the rain.  I brought my Orange Fluff (which was delicious!) and had a bit of popcorn.  I was mindful and tried not to munch thoughtlessly..which can happen with my girlfriends! 

Anyways, I got in an hour workout besides cleaning the house and I am sore and tired now lol.  I also re-cleaned the kitchen when I got home from all the dinner mess. 

Well I hope you all had a wonderful day today.  I am already looking forward to ranch chicken taco leftovers tomorrow.  LOL.  Don't forget to friend me on myfitnesspal if you want to, it's lauryn86. Good night!!


  1. I love your blog. I will have to share it on my blog page because not many people go to the lengths of documenting their journey. Good for you and I wish you the best in your kickboxing training!

  2. You are a cleaning machine! Want to come over and clean my house for me? ;)


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