Monday, November 11, 2013

Flowers, New Food, & pile of gym junk

Hey loves this must be quick because I have to get in bed but I wanted to tell yall I had a great day today!

My "real" dad came and took me out to lunch.  Havent seen him since my wedding almost 7 years ago.  He brought me flowers.

It was very sweet.
Then tonight I had a great sesame chicken lean cuisine that my brother had ate the other day so I wanted to try it.

It was so good!! I had a salad too.
Oh and I wanted to show yall how I lay out my clothes for the gym/work in the morning. 
My gym bag is on the other side of the couch.
Totally got to the gym this morning and had forgotten my hair brush. 
Luckilly I had a comb.
Anyways I hope yall had a great Monday!!!
xoxo Lauryn


  1. Good planning laying out your clothes and it's funny, my sister eats that exact lean cuisine flavor all the time haha

  2. Look at you girl, sticking with it and planning ahead!!!

    OK time for a new blog entry ;-) xoxo


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